Sweetest civic ever built


finally someone that mods a civic and does it right :lol:


i know that it had a terrible 60’, but that et still blows worse than my hole-filled cheeks.

it looks pretty badass from the back, though.

There was one on there a few years ago that had the 350 in the back and the original motor up front.

9" rear + 275 width ET streets = one mean ass end shot


Meh, I’ll still take an LS6-powered Miata over that. The car will still handle, doesn’t weigh much more than it did stock, and keeps an IRS.

About time someone turned the engine the correct way. :tup:


GM built LS1-LS7 motors specficly to perform in vettes and be swapped over into anything else that didn’t come with a v8 orginally :tup:

it’s toda’s

id rock it :slight_smile: put some crazy hood to cover it up and some naturally showy riceboi rims on… compleat sleeper…

Would be better if he made it mid-engine rwd IMO

be a complete sleeper if you were deaf

EDIT: wait no, you’d feel it coming, i’m sure

i seen the first picture and was like what an idiot, putting slicks on the back of a front wheel drive car. Then i seen the rest and was like O, that explains it.

but you might not know if it’s the car coming up or you just shitting your pants…or both.


he did it better

that honestly made me laugh

im not even gonna look, but my guess is someone swaped a V8 in there :bloated: