underboosted's Banana civic

Mikey? if thats you then whats up dude!?

that aint mikey…

Yes that’s him.

god damn evrone knows dietz!

big mikey d! ***** G whazzz good son :hug :rofl

yup thats the faggott haha jk
p.s. is that the shit talk you were looking for?

He’s like AID’s, no matter what you can’t get rid of him.

haha i know!!!

Nice Frank.


not much dude what have u been up too :banana

who r u anyway?

this is also bullshit :banana

bull shit #3 ( no banana for you):wtf lol jk but not really, but maybe, but maybe not really, or really really, hummmmmm idk anymore well take it how u want

LOL,WTF is going on here?

It’s justin with the red sentra from auto remember? I know you had to of made fun of him relentlesly.

dang frank, cluttering your own thread with chitchat nonsense… if you want it cleaned LMK

Yea I know. I’m just glad to see Mike finally joined.New members=bigger and better fourm.I’ll let you know in a page or two though.:thumbup

boice? lol i know that kid!!! :banana

thank u frank :hug