UR TT Aventador

Sick video gave me goosebumps. Liking the dramatic orchestral music, UR knows how to make vids.

Thanks for posting


world’s ugliest SUV? i think yes

^^ Shift’s dumbest poster, I think yes.

^^ Shift’s biggest asswipe? i think no, but close.

I’m ok with that. I’d rather be an asshole then the punching bag of the forum like you’ve become

Reportin’ for duty

im the punching bag? then you’re clearly the fleshlight.

Please explain how I am. I’d love to hear your logic behind this one.

I’m specialkid. i dont use “logic”.

You must constantly get tortured in school too. If your this much of a social misfit online I can only imagine what kind of creation you are in the real world.

I have a aventador.

Well im getting it in a few months. Might keep it downstate, might not.

plz take me out in it

UR ain’t got nothin on these guys when it comes to videos:
