Hey guys,

I’m in desperate need of a new MAF sensor on my car. It conked out on the highway earlier today. I unplugged it and drove the car home. After checking the engine codes verify it gave me a 12 - Air Flow Meter Circuit.

If anyone has a used MAF, or has any idea how much a brand new one should cost, a reply or PM would be much appreciated.

Thanks alot.

I have one you can have it for 30$?

S13 or S14? I have one for a S14…

i have one for s13. my location is hamilton. $20 takes it.

Sorry I should posted that. It’s a 92 S13 KADE. Will the S14 not fit?

hey Jake to late to call you all i have is a sohc one i’ll give you a shout tomorrow

Thanks guys, I got one!