usb controller for playing pc genesis.

So i’ve been playing genesis games on my pc with this emulator.

Its pretty sweet except I can’t seem to find a good usb controller to buy

Using the keyboard sucks to play classics like nhl95 and mortal kombat.

I’m looking on ebay but all of them seem to be ps2 replica remotes for the pc.

Anybody know if they sell adapters to make genesis remotes work on pc’s, or if someone sells a usb genesis style controller.

hmmm… not sure if they have them, but I’m almost positive you could make one.


or if you want to make life easier, go to radio shack and pick up the PSX to USB convertor and just use a ps2 controller :tup:

try the microsoft side winder

:word: the sidewinder is a lot like a genesis controller only it has the triggers…

or get a wired 360 controller and download the drivers from MS

definitely the way to go. had one for a yr now, works great

:tup: hell yeah, the only thing I dont like about it is that directX 9 doesnt let you set deadzone sensitivity, but it you use joy2key, it’ll let ya so I guess it’s not a huge deal