USDM Integra Front End Wanted

I’m pretty sure he wanted nudz

what jay said^^

mike nudz meow!!!.

but sry fyl, stupid question, but whats savable? you cant just piece it back together?

like is said i have the bumper, one headlight, and the fenders. but i honestly wanna go back to USDM

i still have the bumper for sale


no not crazy…different…everyone wants JDM…tired of goin with the flow of everyone else. trying to make a honda different is like almost impossible but can be done!!!

lol and everyone WANTS a jdm front but doesn’t HAVE a jdm front.

We are in America…so that means the majority are going to be USDM…so that means you are technically going to be “going with the flow”…just messing with ya mike do what makes you happy bud!!!..just as long as yours isnt faster than mine…hahaha

sorrry swain i refuse t convert your car back to usdm. dont make me slap you lol. i worked hard t get that thing as straight as possible. and now you want to revert back? i will kick your ass haha.

Yea Swain, he worked hard to get it that thing as straight as it was… which was rather straight for a gay. ;p

soooooo much shimsssssssssssss hahah

Shim my dick.