Valentine 1

Well, after using a friend’s Valentine this past weekend I’ve decided it’s a must and never thought of it being that good. A few questions for those who do have them…

When you buy it, does it come with the power cord, visor mount, and mini “wireless” adapter that goes down by the power cord that goes in the cigarette lighter?

How do you go about getting updates for it?

I hardwired using a 12V switch and ground and ran the phone cord along the pillar and into the car’s roof liner.

i have the visor clip(never used it) hardwire kit, carry case, hidden display, spare fuses, light cord, spare suction cups. i wired mine to the dome light, since its a switched 12v source… updates can be done, you just need to contact them and then mail the detector in

this is Ron Burgundy on Nicks name

Updates aren’t free though.

At least you don’t have to buy a new detector every time something new and cool comes out :nod

At least you don’t have to buy a new detector every time something new and cool comes out :nod

True. I used the “outdated” 1.7 for a long time while 1.8 came out. In fact, they didn’t even suggest spending the money on the upgrade which was available for 1.7->1.8

DBL post WTF benny?!

Comes with windshield mount, 2 powercords one spiral and one straight, visor mount, extra suciton cups, and i think that’s it. You have to send it back to V1 for the upgrade, im not sure how much they cost. The Hidden Display is extra money, it doesn’t come with it. I love mine.

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i have the visor clip(never used it) hardwire kit, carry case, hidden display, spare fuses, light cord, spare suction cups. i wired mine to the dome light, since its a switched 12v source… updates can be done, you just need to contact them and then mail the detector in

this is Ron Burgundy on Nicks name

beat ya to it… i paid 460$ with case, hardwire, and hidden display from