So I was kinda bored at work and thinking of getting a new personalize plate for my car. I got the idea and go ahead to order it. Then I got to the stage where it asks you to explain what the meaning of the plate. This is what I came up with and hope it will pass
LOL :tup:
Haha! They might accept and send you the registration, but you still need them to send the plate. Let us know if you get it!
I guess if they accepted the explanation then the plates should be sent? I will update this thread.
Well ItsOver just tried to get “PEN15” and it initially went though and he got the registration, but then they said it was offensive and won’t send him the plate.
Clever explanation, hope you actually get it!
LOL. thats awesome.
I think it would be funny listening to people who don’t know what it is trying to pronounce it.
Mine says it all. Don’t remember an explanation section when I applied.
“Back in the day” you didn’t need to explain why. I think it’s a new thing now with all the txt spk and people sneaking stuff in… and the over sensitive people who complain about it.
Hope you get it. What do vanity plates cost these days?
THIS! They have yet to send me a refund! J**s at the DMV, I tell you.
$60 for the year.
I figured it was something like that. Although I wouldn’t have been surprised if it was $300/year knowing NYS. Thanks for the info.
LOVE IT! hope it goes through!!
I’m thinking about either xxx xxx or Z7Z727Z
I saw a white 300z a few weeks ago with “NA FTMFL” plates. I wonder what his explanation was?
^ LOL! This gives me some hope that mine will goes thru.
I saw this guy today. Made me lol