Verizon Question

I kno theres a few guys that work at verizon i got a few questions if someone could PM me

informative :applause:

How about you just post your question here and then possibly we could help you out.

Verizon Landline does not equal Verizon Wireless, which are you talking about?
or is this another general question assuming the local cwa being that verizon is a part of(landline) you assume they own all the others…

pm Evolve, hes the man.

Just ask here. I have experience in the wireless industry and a lot of guys here know their shit with internet applications.

Also, everyone in the world has a cell phone. So your question may be answered by somebody here that had the same question/problem in the past.

No offense to Evolve, but answers from the experience of a customer > answers by a salesman (if applicable).

i’m a technician and a sales man, not to be cocky but i bet i have your answer.

Evolve is pretty much the best saleman ever because he (strangely) doesn’t look out for his own intrests…

my interests dont lie in the short term…