Veteran's Day

Big :tup: to all the men and women that are serving/have served.

Keeping shit legit.

^^This. Thank yous to all that fight and have died protecting our freedoms.

Thank you coast guard for risking your lives day in and day out and keeping them Canadian’s out of here.

Thanked the Veterans Affairs office on campus just a while ago, Thanks to all the other men and women who served.

Are troops coming home and leaving the middle east this month and next month? I would assume this is a pretty exciting time for the service men who are getting out of there and getting to stay home.

Next month. We’re all more excited to have a brothers and sisters in arms home than anything I think.

Thanks to those that served! :usa:


Fuuuuuuuuu, you’re telling me. I lost enough friends over there, and I got out early before it really hit the fan.


A few days late but thanks guys :tup:

Forgot to post on here, but thanked a few Veteran’s I know yesterday. Thanks all those that have served and are currently serving.

Here’s a nice story:

Cliffs: WWII Vet passes away at 99, has nobody that is going to be at his funeral. Internet catches wind of obituary…humanity ensues.

Also, my place of employment was ranked #1 out of 120 best Colleges for Vets.

At work our veterans network planned events at each plant and headquarters. I was able to plan the Buffalo event (T-shirts!!!) so I had a busy but great day.

It is pretty amazing that a while back, most “veterans” were grand parents and old people from WWII. Now you hear veteran, and it is people you graduated high school with and close friends/family.



Xoxoxoxo!! We can be truck brothers now!!

Happy Veteran’s Day to all those serving and that have served. #veteransday


Thank you to all for their service. @cougarspeed