video host? wanna post a video for u guys


and idk why it wouldn’t load for you, craig did it maybe there’s a server prob.

Originally posted by Craig King
[b]Here’s the video(NWS):*

Won’t be up for long… get it while it’s up. ~7mb [/B]

Originally posted by OnTheRun710

last time you called me that you know what happend. Try it again but this time to my face pansy. :rolleyes:

Oh wait your car will magically break down and you will have no way of meeting up to say that :rolleyes:


how’s this for an excuse, i don’t have the want or need to put up with your petty bullshit

Originally posted by Sight N Sound
last time you called me that you know what happend. Try it again but this time to my face pansy. :rolleyes:

Oh wait your car will magically break down and you will have no way of meeting up to say that :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Quik
not loading what the fuck

:slap:Left click on it and choose either save to disk, or open it … I didn’t think it was that difficult :dunno:

thats some good shit



thank you, thank you…

any mod wanna slap this in the multimedia section of the forum?
and maybe change the title to:
NWS College girls are stoopid

coz this isn’t originally where i intended on posting it, but craig put the link in here and there’s no reason to have 2 posts about it sucks.

agreed, i just sent the link to like 10 ppl and about 3 got through

Originally posted by OnTheRun710
agreed, i just sent the link to like 10 ppl and about 3 got through
its not a host or anything… its a service that is supposed to be used to send files to one person that is too big to be attatched in an e-mail, people have been abusing it and trying to use it as a free webhost. A shitload of people on anOTher website raped the shit out of it and kept crashing it, so now they have it configured so that you cant really use it like that anymore…
