video host? wanna post a video for u guys

well i forgot that i had this for a few months now…

but i’ve come across a video involving my girlfriends roommate from last semester, NOT a porno but yet still involves her naked

Cutty knows what i’m talkin about:cool: :naughty:

and i was wondering if someone could host the video for me so i could post it up for you guys to all laugh with me about it coz she really makes an ass of herself. there are pictures to but i’ll just attach them to the thread.

however, one other problem is, the video is sideways coz i was holding my camera so u’d get a better lengthwise view and i can’t get it to turn the right way, so any of you video editors out there… is there a way to turn the entire video 90 degrees?

how big is the video? and im sure there is a way to turn it

i think between 7-8 megs…

i hope so or ur gonna have like 50 guys staring at a sideways video of her looking like a moron

lemmie see if i can find an editing software. i had it on my vaio, and when i upgraded to winxp pro, i tried to use my application disk and it tells me that it wasnt made for my computer.

it’s cool, i’m goin to bed soon, working 15 hours today owns me, but talk to me on AIM sometime and we’ll figure out how to fix it so that i can post it


I can host on my student account here at school. I have 1.2 gigs of usable space, and unlimited b/w within reason. Let me know. :cool:

cool, i’ll get back to you when we figure out how to fix the video

i’ll host. send me your AIM name.

:wtf: wheres the vid???

Originally posted by Logik
i’ll host. send me your AIM name.

same as user name…

Here’s the video(NWS):*

Won’t be up for long… get it while it’s up. ~7mb

hahahaha, hope u guys like the my video

i even dedicated it to pittspeed at the end.

Originally posted by OnTheRun710
hahahaha, hope u guys like the my video

i even dedicated it to pittspeed at the end.
than why does ur chic still have pittracing on her tits???:confused:


i didn’t get to make a PS one yet, don’t worry pewter, i’m in no way for pittracing right now…

i’m just too lazy to redraw that shit on her

Originally posted by ECOvenom

i knew brad would like it;)

Originally posted by OnTheRun710
i didn’t get to make a PS one yet, don’t worry pewter, i’m in no way for pittracing right now…

i’m just too lazy to redraw that shit on her
get it done!!!:mad:

ps,show NIPPLES this time!!!:smiley:

not loading what the fuck

Originally posted by OnTheRun710
i even dedicated it to pittspeed at the end.
