who can host a video or what site

can anyone host a vid for me or is there a free site

how big and of what??

venoms car just started it today wanted to post a vid

someone pretty please?

ask whitey or flyinlow…they might be able to help

i can
email it to slowsaturn1@msn.com

did you ever get this uploaded? i wanna see it

how big is the file?? i will host it

yea, im waiting for it still also. :frowning:

Originally posted by venom
yea, im waiting for it still also. :frowning:
how’s it running?


we just took it for a quick lap around my block just in case something wasnt working right or whatever. seems to be good other than the fact that its running super rich. i have a JMS chip in there setup for my old deal, so things are kinda fuct. i gotta get somewhere and get it tuned up. damn work is hindering my car time.


having problems with comp will send to fling low tonite sowwey

its cool try this one first mcg159@psu.edu then slowsaturn1@msn.com