Video Request, Playstation II

Anyone remember the Play Station 2 commercials they had with the kids and they’re ray guns and shit? I’m looking for the one where they made some kind of launcher or something, But all you see is the can or something go over the fence and the entire back yard blows the hell up. Anyone remember that one and know what it was too?

was that about the game that had like 100 weapons… like the magnet gun that pulled everything in the town to the gun./…

YEAH! I only seen this video once, More than likely it got yanked off the airs. But i’m trying to find it to download.

The game was Ratchet and Clank. If you do a search for that I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for.

and teh uber gamer speaks…


Yeah, thats what I needed! Thanks!
Now to go and see if I can find it on Limewire.