Video site questions

This is for an intern/co-worker of mine doing a little research.

I am hoping to find out information on online video sites, or Internet video-on-demand sites because I am extremely ignorant as to the world of online video and I am trying to write a report on the topic. I have discovered helpful comparisons of video sharing services, like the ones from MustSeeBlog and from DVGuru, but as uninformed as I am, I do not understand a lot of the details about formatting, tagging, embedding, etc. Most importantly, I am trying to narrow down the report to about 8-10 of the services that I think are the most popular and could have the greatest impact on the development of online video and its affect on the media industry. Every time I find a site that seems popular, I find links or comments that lead me to many others!
Right now I am focusing on these sites:

  1. YouTube
  2. Google Video
  3. Yahoo Video
  5. Revver
  6. (maybe MySpace video?)
    But I also want to look at other online video services, such as ones that do not just use video sharing or do not use it at all. For example:
  7. Akimbo
  8. Wurld Media’s Peer Impact
  9. iTunes
  10. Movielink
  11. CinemaNow
    I could be extremely wrong in focusing on any or all of these services, so any direction towards others that are more popular, more efficient, etc. would be very helpful.
    Ultimately, I am looking to answer the following questions about these services:
  12. what are its best attributes/its worst?
  13. Quality of video
  14. Upload timing
  15. Traffic/ # of users- (important!)
  16. Does it use subscriptions?
  17. of unique videos posted

  18. User-experience- (ultimate goal for comparison)
  19. Brand recognition
  20. Will it/has it captured the generation of people in high school/college (similar to what happened with the music industry)
    I would really appreciate any information or direction towards other resources. Thanks a lot!
  1. I’m a 24 year old college graduate and engineer. I’m a bit of a computer nerd and consider myself a willing early adopter, so I think I fit the target demographic well. The only online video services I have used to view full production movies consisted of peer to peer file sharing networks of questionable legality.

biggity bump

Hasn’t this kid ever heard of google, or wiki.

If you want influential you have to give the most up for YouTube. It has gotten so popular as a video sharing site that the RIAA has placed it square in their crosshairs. Saying that videos of people dancing to copyrighted songs put up on YouTube violates the law.

It seems that they have gone from “your friendly neighborhood videosite” to a less than benevolent conglomerate lately. Their terms-of-service now include an ownership clause similar to most contests. In effect stating that anything you post on YouTube becomes their property.

For clarity, you retain all of your ownership rights in your User Submissions. However, by submitting the User Submissions to YouTube, you hereby grant YouTube a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicenseable and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, and perform the User Submissions in connection with the YouTube Website and YouTube’s (and its successor’s) business, including without limitation for promoting and redistributing part or all of the YouTube Website (and derivative works thereof) in any media formats and through any media channels.