Videos from wed TNT

go to the link for blue racing his 03 cobra flying lows srt4 drive by and a some other vids !!!



that duramax supposly puts 530 to the wheels. He’s manager of sales up at Northgate Honda

yeah my buddy has a new duramax ans is getitng the same EDGE kit for his truck and should run high 13’s but has a 95 mph speed limiter so thats why they normally cant go lower unless they get that taken out

my real player never works…idk whats up with it…i wanna watch

that was a good run… all of the wiggers that were standing near me were like “oh snap!” its a shame about the car though… :frowning:

thats just my luck

Right click them then click “save target as”

Put them in your vid folder under “my Documents”

mirrored there too