So what you are saying is… he will win?
LOL. I drive fine from a roll fucker. My only downside is getting off the line
Don’t get all T-money on me with your 25 series rubberbands.
40 series *** nog
You mean the turbo civic that went 114-116 THAT night.
So, yeah, that does make sense
That turbo civic went 118 all night and then finally upped the boost on the way home to 15psi where it trapped 128
Whatever haha
Dont hate that at 13psi he went faster then you
I went faster @ 0psi.
Dont make me call my boy to custom paint your ride
I’m more afraid to slip and fall on the tanning oil that may be left behind…
in all honesty going into the race i was expecting him to pull me but idk.
he made 363awhp/370tq on e85
i made 360awhp/350 tq on pump gas on the same dyno and i weigh about 300lbs less than his car.
Finally got access to the street racing section! Unfortunately things took a little longer than expected down on the island, so me and pete missed a good majority of the fun.
Definitely looking forward to going out again soon and seeing some good runs. I expect my car on e85 to trap 111-113.
yeah pete. i expect our cars to be making pretty similar power but my cars a heavy pig. RS FTW
Deff not. Way to be so quick to call everyone else out, yet have Chris’s times all fucked up. :rofl
Lets clear this up, went 11.5 last night best trap was 119 at 13.6psi. My traps were 119 118 118 117
soooo u and i are on par with that setup man
yeh looks like we need a dig run me on low boost you on the juice
my only concern is my abilty to hook lololol. as on the street , it dont