vids from the weekend
i thought i took more videos but alot were crap and i didnt take many pictures except for the x rated ones which i cant post per request but i will never forget that salty taste :tounge:
the ass vid is almost too dark to see and the topless girl vid was too dark too :frowning: i should just stick to pictures @ night
hit me on aim for other stuff
more vids will be up 20 min from when i post this

Looks like everyone had fun this weekend. Shit, wish I could have made it out. Helped someone move on Sat, soccer game Sun. All I managed to do was race a Mustang after returning a movie, and I lost. :frowning:

Calling Sam’s wave a gay wave might be a little harsh. Looked more like a “Leave me the fuck alone wave”. :smiley:

Originally posted by Silver_WS6

more vids will be up 20 min from when i post this

time’s up!!! :tounge:

up now :slight_smile:
btw: turbovw18 Your car sounds GOOOOD !! I dont like flomaster but yours is nice !!


7.6 kb/sec?? :rolleyes:

post x rated pis please.
thank you.