VIS s15 conversion

i sent pics to you both… any more questions just let me know.

hey man,

that guy born2bskyline or whatever has been talking about doing a s13-with that conversion…

he will add you on msn & talk on the phone from there, he has the cash in hand, but bump the price.

I cant seem to find that username by searching. If you know who he is ask him to contact me at

got the pics man thanx alot… looking to pick up the front end conversion ASAP…money on hand…bro plz don’t let go of this i need the front end BADLYYYYYYY!!!..willing to pay 2000.00 no prob…
ciao Mark

yeah too bad you dont answer your phone or show up where your supposed to… and bump still for sale

Krimzen, sorry i havent gotten back to u, I got stuck in the middle of my 5spd swap, n been pretty busy searching out parts, so as it stands now i dont think ill be able to take the conversion, although if no ones claimed it by the end of the month, ill get back in touch with u. Sorry for the late reply


please send pics to

i manged my s14 up last night and need a front end …

shit nevermind thought it was for s14

definatly a newf… it’ll bolt up to ur s14…

lol whats that suposed to mean “its deff a newf” lol

so it will bolt up to the s14 as well ??? the body lines on the s13 and the s14 are diff ?? so ill just have to get the s14-s15 fenders ???
so the headlight brackets and all that bolts right up ?? no cutting and bending ???

im very interested in this if this will for sure not cause me no much frusteration installing … in the mean time i would like some pics …

will it? or is the S14 like 4-8 inches wider than an S13, check your facts!

trust I have a Kouki front end (S14) minus headlights, and on mock up the S14 parts proved to be substantially wider, it has yet to be installed.

^^^ He’s right, the s13 conversion fenders will not line up properly on your s14 afaik.

nope hes right the conversion fenders are for an s13. you will have to seriously modify the fenders to get em to fit. but still even with my price you can go buy s14 conversion fenders and still be well under what it would cost to assemble this kit on your own so…

yea thats what im saying if i bought what you have then whent out and bought the fenders how much more screwing around is it to get it all to bolt up ???


if you have the new conversion fenders. then not much. the s15 hood works with the s14 hinges. and the lights work with the core support with little modification. you just have to wire up the lights to your stock harness.

not sure if S13.5 and S14.5 use the same hood, ie: an S15 (stock size)

you’d wanna double check, probably with VIS

Yes they do. its an oem spec s15 hood the only difference is the hinges. on the s13.5 you need s15 hinges but they only line up with one bolt on the top and you need to drill a second. or use the s14 hinges which line up just fine on s13.5 AND s14.5