VIS s15 conversion

Hey guys i need to sell my conversion… comes with gf style bumper conversion fenders (s13-15) carbon hood with inverted scoop. and brackets to mount the headlights… also included with bulbs. black housings. asking 2000… im in the brampton area… email for pics if your serious…

EDIT!: this thing needs to move… new price $1500!!


1000 i will buy it!!! :smiley:

double the offer and your good…

Still available?
email me some pics I am interested.

yeah its still here… looking at me.
email sent.

i’d like to get some pics too. Been thinkin bout doin this conversion for some time

Send me pics plz.
VERY interested.

sent you both pics

send me pic too!!

bump and its still for sale… peng do you want to buy it or do you want to see it??

can you send me some pic to my e-mail??

pics are sent and kit is still for sale…

hey can u send me sum pics too??

pics sent…

email returned^^^^Get bacc to me

hey man!
wutsup? im really interested in ure front end man! i hvae a S14 with front end damage so i wanted to do a S15 front end conversion. so i ordered a STOCK s15 front off of JDM-P…and theyve taken like 3 months…they were supposed to be in around mid may and still havent come…i planned on getting the CF hood eventually and an aftermarket bumper too…so if i could get this front end off of u and ill juss order the fenders off of JDM-P that would be sick! PLZ PM me asap. or gimme a call on my cellie so we can talk bout this…416-817-8610…thanx alot man!! peace!

called and bumped! stiiiiiiil for sale cmon ppl

hey send me some pics aslo
thanx bro

hey man…i juss wanted to know if u could send me pics of the parts while i wait for the bank?.. greatly appreciated…and i talked to my dad and if the bank dont approve then hell help me out…so im pretty much in here…juss still gotta wait for the bank tho…let u kno in a weeks time. thanx!