Vlad I am so sorry


Nevermind, you’re not worth that much writing.

I’m sorry I wasted so much time getting to know you.

Lances pic is priceless

Would like to know what your issue is with me? I for one only talk shit to people i cant stand (Example Pete)

Omg, lances pic… rlpr


so I missed it, when did Lance and Murrdogg become boyfriend/girlfriend?

Lance and I have been good friends for years…

:rofl :rofl Wish lance was around to rep. Fucking priceless.

so epic it needs to be on this page too :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

Apology seems legit. Letemback.


bump it up

I vote to let him back in.


LOLing hard at lances picture. RLPR

my vote let him back in the apology sounds really sincere and lances pic is so bad he should be scooped

He has not said that he wont do it again yet which is part of the requirement quoted as the first reply.

I wont do it again

Should be all set, you will need a new sig and you’re allowed a custom user title again.

Let me know if some limitations remain by an accident.

On those grounds, then I say you get to use the forums again provided you don’t go off the deep end again. Use a little discretion and common sense in the posts and you’ll be good :wink: