Volk racing monsters, older then I am, 3 pc wheels.

Light curbage, no majour bends ect, has rubber on them

17x8 and 17x10, not sure of offset 5x114.3


Don’t take this wrong, but that may be the ugliest wheel I’ve ever seen.

Says the dude who owns a 300zx. LOL

It’s what an orgasm would look like if you could take a picture of one.

where ya located petey

kingston but can meet up

Its cool bro, some guys like bigger women. Im not here to judge. :slight_smile:
Although if I were to judge, i’d say this is you and your car. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea wheels seem pretty rare, i feel volk quit this style of wheel because it must not of worked lol. How heavy are they ? Glws mane!

I’d like to see some pics of the Xenomobile.


Those would look great on a slammed Audi or VW.

Do you know the offset on these bad boys?
