

I think he’s talking about Veteran’s park, which is across the street from Niawanda, which IS the one across the river from the Holiday Inn.

Have fun. The weather looks great for the weekend! If I didn’t have that pesky wedding I’d come out and actually meet you guys in person :jawdrop: to play some volleyball. :tup:


yea sorry thats exactly where i meant. I played there with friends a bunch of times last summer and it’s great there until dark (no lights). I played through high school but you definitely don’t need “skills” to have a fun game, just decent coordination.

I used to play 3 in Senior varsity in High School, waaaay back

Sounds like this will be fun. I will check the condition of the island courts. I know some have lighting…but not that it matters since we are looking to play in the afternoon. We will have a role call post too. Nice to see people are showing lots of interest.

i love sand v-ball

Do they have any indoor volleyball courts with a bar around here?

We used to play once a week in Rochester. Sand volleyball and then buckets of beer :slight_smile:

im in. i play every monday, so i dont completely suck…


marcus, text me with a time, day and location when you get it all settled. I even have a brand new ball

Did I miss what day you were looking at Marcus?

Sat or Sun? Or still up in the air. I want to start playing again.

Saturday at 2PM niawanda park

ha oh well i can’t make that… its ok I didn’t wanna dominate anyway

dammit im going down to cleveland for the weekend. i want to participate in the top gun high fives and aviator sunglasses! count me in if theres a next time. i was once a highschool varsity allstar volleyball player :stuck_out_tongue:


ts ok I didn’t wanna dominate anyway…because i’m a princess


maybe next time princess:D






My heart was in the right place…

I know…I thought I was Mr. Super Funny and noone even noticed.

hiV for being on the same page!


volleyball is for women

Why dont you guys play some softball while youre at it. Maybe you could have a tea party afterwards…

who has them on The Island other then TC’s?You just gave me a great Idea for the Moose lodge tho.

carl is playin on skins!

and this is more like it:


maybe next time princess:D


LOL, i love the new title too btw


who has them on The Island other then TC’s?You just gave me a great Idea for the Moose lodge tho.


Sandy Beach area has courts.