Sat June 9th 2:00PM Volleyball Role Call

Whos in for sure. I dont care for tentative appearances at this point. Niawanda Park (veterans Park). We need a ball too. Mine is old and I am not sure you guys would like using it.

hmm if i’m not busy i might be in

I will know later today if I’m going golfing. Otherwise, I’m in.

I also have a ball, so cross your fingers I’m not goin golfing. Its a brand new ball :slight_smile:

eh, looks like no play saturday :frowning:

looks like there is not enough interest…weak

^from my post yesterday, I thought we would have several teams…

kinda of a let down…i didnt see the thread

We are all hung over on saturday

i would have been down… but i have hockey from noon-2… so i know ill be beat by then


We are all hung over on saturday


take some asprin and call me in 2 hours