vote for Debbi

Debbi is some chick on my friends list on myspace. She’s in a bikini contest. she’s #24. please vote…everyday if possible. :tup:

but why oh why, she is kinda scary

why are you looking at her face!?!

… I voted for her, but I think there were some other contestants that I SHOULD have chosen…

once i saw the face, i didn’t want to click the picture lol,… wait i will go back and look at the rest

Edit: After second look, i guess that she is ok… but to me the face is an important thing, i like pretty girls with hot bodies, not Paper baggers


theres some girls in that contest that shouldnt be …

and there are a few i would sell my testicals for

Oh stephanie on the second page gets MY vote.

^ that’s cool too. Just as long as nobody votes for total pigs (ie: pity votes) then that’s cool. Voting for Debbi would be cooler to me though. :tup:

Some of those pictures look fake.:gotme:

some of those girls should have “intel” engraved on them because they have so much silicon in them.

My boobs are all natural, dawble J. :frowning:

Defintely need a bag for that face. But voted anyway.

what happened to her lips? i’m betting money she’s from the south?

Does Florida count as the south? She was born in Tallahassee, but lives in South Dakota now…

hell yes it does … northern florida is redneck hell that’s almost as bad as jacksonville

I prefer Lauren and Jamie from page 1…

Sarah needs to touch up her roots. Yikes.

Lauren has a case of weird shaped body. She’s be hot otherwise. Lets paste her face on Nicole’s body.

Nah, I like fake blondes with roots showing… I also like Ashley on page 1. She really knows the right way to wear a bikini. :lol:
