Vote for Hillary *Pic*

Yes I did vote for bush because like him or not he is a decision maker and does things. May not be the things everyone likes at the time, but at least he does something. Clinton was a tool, he did absolutly nothing but tried to look good in the public image. And dont give me this shit about how he “fixed” the economy…he did nothing for it.


Yup, point proven

Ok prove to me how he saved us all from our own stupidity then. He did absolutely NOTHING. He didn’t have to. He sat there and took credit for shit that happened before he got into office and started going to shit before he left. If he had that much influence then why did all the dot com franchises crash? why did the economy start to crash while he was in office. Why did we have numerous terrorist attacks with little to no retaliation? Why did he give military grade technology to the Chinese for their space program knowing it would launch them nearly 40 years ahead of where they were as far as military technology, also allowing them to have a delivery system for their nukes? Why did he open the flood gates with trade with the Chinese, even though it is unconstitutional to have trade agreements with communist countries? Why did he give the Koreans the materials and capital to build nuclear power plants, which produce weapons grade plutonium (on the basis that they would not use it for that, which worked out soooo well)?

Nope I know nothing



Ron Paul in 08!!!



if he lives long enough to make it to the primaries :frowning:

Hells yeah :word:

who is ron paul

I seen this air freshener at UO and got a laugh out of it.

^ :lol:

Jeg can you explain to me her healthcare plan. Because the way I understand it all she wants to do is allow more money for people to buy healthcare plans from private companies.

Thats not exaclty socialist if anything it would help the private HMO’s.

Can you explain to me in a logical well thought out argument how her healthcare plan is socialist?

Bill Clinton was a big pussy, Hilary may have more balls then her husband, but she is a dirty strap on wearing bull dike that makes me sick

Go to youtube and type in ron paul theres tons of videos. hes got the most online support of any candidate.

i need one of those!!!