Is a fucking cu^t,she is a typical fuckinf democrate and thinks she is "The shit’ now becasue she is the first woman SOTH:hsugh: She is the same as the rest of those demo’s…:finger2:
I can’t stand the thought of seeing her on tv grandstanding all the time, she is going to look like the biggest ass to ever walk the earth over the next 2 years, you’ll see.
O hell ya it is! Aall she wants this for is for the fame and power n being the first bitch SOTH:jerkit:
she scares me :eek:
@ you thinking you know anything about politics or politicians.
I know more than u think:asshole :jerkit:
yes, she is a stupid bitch
i still cant believe webb won senator of virginia after the book he published…
you don’t’ even know how to spell her fucking name. :bowrofl:
why not?
just like darkstar said…why not…
people are sick of the GOP monopoly.
you know americans are fed up when they elect a black muslim (K. Ellison) for those of you uninformed.
Webb wrote about some race stuff in fiction books. big fucking deal.
why do you all dislike her?? seriously
I dislike her cause she is way the fuck out to the left, pro-choice, anti-gun, gay and lesbian marriage, higher taxes, rehabilitation for pedifiles and murders, amnesty for illegal aliens, etc. etc., america isn’t california and if it ever does become like cali then that will be the end of freedom as we know it.
i’m with cobra… she’s an idiot and a loudmouth… not for mediocracy of the parties but for shaming the ‘other side’ into believing false things are true (thank you democrats)… she’s way left for sure, anti gun = booooo , higher taxes and all about the illegals… she was on eof the first to try to stop the close the boarders talks back a few months.
beyond that i can’t stand her smerk… you know that bitch is lying through her teeth and not thinking twice about it… it will be my pleasure to watch her stumble through logical thoughts and look like the a twit.
darkstar= please feel free to reply… if you can conjour up more than an emoticon i may or may not give a fuck about what you have to say.
shaming the other side? Maybe she’s shaming the other side because they DESERVE to be shamed. Bush has doubled the national debt since he came into office, turned the entire world against us, got thousands of our troops killed and wounded, trampled on our civil liberties, cut taxes big time for the super rich, profited profoundly via war profiteering… I could go on all day.
I don’t agree with the dems on gun control.
And as far as stumbling through logical thoughts… I’d say Bush is the master of that, but I’m not sure he’s capable of a logical thought to stumble through.
As far as higher taxes, you can thank Bush for that. We have to balance the budget and pay down the debt somehow.
I’d love to put more time into this response, but work beckons. Should you like me to elaborate further, I can do so at a later time.
BS, I don’t think he’s our best president by any means, but just because some faggots in some other countries can’t stomach violence when we go after people who attack us, doesn’t mean it’s “Bush’s fault”
Post proof, seriously, I want to see some facts, not an article of some snot-nosed liberal saying “Bush sucks” I want you to seriously show me how he cut taxes for the rich. The rich got more back, guess why, THEY PAID MORE IN THE FIRST PLACE. If person A pays $100 in taxes, and person B pays $1000, then we get a refund, and guy A bitches because B got more back, A is a dumbass.
And for the war profiteering, “he’s from Texas, oil prices are up”, doesn’t mean shit.
but you support them anyway…good call…
Tax cuts were across the board genius. Lame ass effing stories for the last 7 years.
Has anyone mentioned yet the number of troops killed during Clinton’s run in office?
I’m neither republican or democrat, but you have to be fair to both sides.
Nancy Pelosi is a liberal San Francisco cunt. She is in tune with her constituancy, but out of tune with most of the country. Think 9th circuit court…that’s where Pelosi will come from.