NC bans gay marriage.

It probably doesn’t effect most of us, but I legit cant wrap my head around fighting for human rights elsewhere in the world and restricting them at home.

Anyone thinking they are against gay marriage:

You are taking away basic human rights from another human. Think about that.

Anyone arguing biblical nonsense: here is some nonsense right back at you…

The problem is religion. More so, Catholics/Christians.

That’s the root of all this crap.

Gay people are fine, just don’t try raping me. Get married, whatever.

This is one reason that I hate religion. The other is that they actually believe what they are saying.

So what if two dudes/chicks/donkeys want to do shit that others think is wrong. I think that praying is wrong should we ban that too?

I voted against it…but yeah, not much to say. Too many people drinking the kool aid at church.

I feel bad for the gays in our community. The community is pretty active here in the triangle area. Must be hard.

Btw, nc is not the first state to pass this exact constitutional amendment.

Gay marriage is excellent population control,less babies,more aids = shorter lines for all!

quoted so you cant edit it later. you are a superb addition to our community.

Wow Jon… Too bad the AIDS rate is higher in straight iv drug abusers than in the gay community esp in Buffalo… I’m saddened by NC and this ruling… It’s disgusting that religion is so biased and narrow minded because it the religious argument against gays that is strongest in the south. It’s sad not everyone is entitled to the basic rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…

I’m a conservative, but it’s 2012. Gays on gay, go for it. I heart gays.

My comment was more of joke,I don’t care about gay people,what they do is their business. I forgot that this forum was so delicate in regard to tasteless humor. Basic rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all…except if your religious. :wink:

For real… Have some class! Make fun of children being sucked into wood chippers but don’t you dare say something about gays!

If gay peoples parents were gay…then those gays wouldn’t exist right? At least not before modern days

Everyone always says Catholics and Christians are against it but theres others who are against it. Dont forget Muslims, im pretty sure they hate gays.

I voted against it. I dont hate them. I dont hate people. They are people too. I feel marriage was created for man and woman (adam and eve not adam and steve)
Religion, thats another topic. Religion was created by man, and man makes mistakes. Relationship with God was created by God, He doesn’t make a mistake.

What gets me upset is seeing pictures like this
Children, very young children around men in speedo’s, women making out etc etc and seeing things I feel they should not be seeing. Thats what bothers me. If you want to be gay, fine be gay but dont drag a child into something.
Im sure someone will comment with “well what about parents that drag their child to church”. My comment to that is a parent shouldn’t do that. The child is to find out for themselves.

A topic to end on. If its about love. Then whats next? A woman wanting to marry her son because they love each other. A man wanting to marry his pet because he is in love. I know it sounds far fetched but…whats next

Flame all you want. If people are speaking their opinion then I will speak mine.

In context this would only make sense or be vaild in any way if that poster or someone giving him a hard time were involved in that thread.



Pretty much my sentiments exactly. If they want to be together, get the bennys and so on, no problem. Just don’t call it marriage. Also don’t adopt kids. How is that a proper upbringing with two dudes or two chicks. Yes there are plenty of kids looking for a home but that is the only valid argument.

Yea bible belt Jesus freak state. Let the gay’s be miserable just like the heterosexuals and get married. I can not for the life of me understand why this is even an issue in 2012? Of all the problems we are facing, gay marriage isn’t one of them.

2 men or 2 women can’t raise a child? Have you witnessed some of the straight couples raising children these days?

Point noted. Do you really believe that two individuals of the same sex raising a child is considered natural? There have to be issues stemming from that kind of a household.

Marriage is expensive seems like NC did gay people a favor