Vote for Naughty Santa PLZ!

#'s 21 19 20 5 are hot but i voted for #23. shes really hot. or just my type

I think I saw Lynn on an episode of Cops last night. Voted #5, and she does look a little like Kirsten Dunst.

I laughed at #3 for like 20 minutes. God that’s bad.

she’s got my vote! :tup:

I think i’ve seen #20 downtown at bottoms up standing on the bar in a school girl outfit pouring shots into guy’s mouths. LMFAO she poured it right into this guys eyes! AHHHHHH it burnnnnnnssss!

yeha holy shit…jennifer.
she get the ole clam pounded…she got a huge crapper on her also

#1 has a happy face on her knee in 1st pic.

9 is my friends girl.I went to school with #15

20 i see her at lancaster all the time she has like a purple mustang


attention whore with new titties

yeah she is

HAHAHA… ASHLEY works at my warehouse for me… i’m not allowed to comment as a result

#20 is bangin.

Thats a man baby( Austin Powers voice)

I like #16, she has a lot of holiday spirit!

I think I should enter IanK’s mom…#3lynne = :barf:

applications plz

I think #3 is my friends mom:uhh:

#3 = nasty as fuck
#5 got my vote
#21 took her shirt off = side boob…nice.

#8…stripper practice.