Vote to put a leash on Mk4 30R

I’m extremely uncomfortable right now.

here benny sit down next to me.

take off ur coat.

here let me make u a lil more comfy

starts rubbing bennys shoulders


For the record, I’ve told ALL the moderators to be splitting a little more often the discussions that get way offtopic of the original intent of the thread.

If anything Brett was doing a better job then some other moderators.

If you have a problem with the splitting policy then ban me :lol

I think it’s for the good of the community. Brett is doing good job. :thumb

I agree with the splitting.
Threads do get off topic no matter what here, but sometimes it’s just too extreme.

a little off topic is not that big a deal as long as its still a discussion about cars, but for instance the E46 thread went from car, to tee pees, to white spots of man juice or something… thats a bit too far off topic

like this

Exactly. What was the white stuff btw? :lol

dont know, id have to ask Thatcher

so would it be off topic if i started talking about my plan to harvest babies to generate power?

i think thats borderline crazy, possibly a human rights violation, violation of child labor laws… but it could work

Definitely doable.

hey man, if they can make a movie about it that now has a following of geeky high school drops out bigger than nicoles ass and has made millions in the box office, then i can do it without any repercussions.

Heeeyyyyy. :frowning:

im lost. r u a drop out?

He drives a Toyota, no matter what you do Toyota drivers cannot be leashed.

yeah, i still have studded snows on, watch it pal, i know where your front lawn grows.

hahahahahahahah o snap!

someone owned his lawn bad

From post 54 here on out this thread is no joke.

like chuck norris, i dont sleep, i wait.

omg siged

I think it’s because you made reference to her ass.