Voucher for a Casino Night stay w/ $150.00 for food.

Pending sale…

Yeah we got a nice double for $80 on a Saturday night such a good deal!

Still open to offers…

$175? ANYONE?


Yea I got 101 on it.


$160 and its sold ANYONE?


you got my offer, i’d like it asap if you want to let it go for that much!

Rob hit me back with it again or hit me on AIM. ICENMYFREEZA

if you really need to get rid of this thing let me know…

PM’d ya back DLA

did you get my offer?


Brendan, Hit you back, Let me know what time is good.


PM’ed back. :slight_smile:

Brendan thanks for the money bro!

Great buyer (Although he was late by a few seconds)

There is always that last customer… “I see you are closed, do you sell inserts?” ugh.

Thanks again!