VQ35DE Swap kit (2002-up Spec V/SE-R)

Looks like the guy who swapped the vq35de into the b15 sentra is selling the kits now. He hasn’t posted a price on this forum due to the fact that he is not an approved vendor but you can pm him for prices.



695 + shipping for the kit without the bellhousing and 995 + shipping for the kit with the maxima bellhousing.

Fuck me, what a deal.

Check out www.thevboard.com, he’s posted in there under the QR25DE Performance section. :slight_smile:

Holy moly :o

Another guy has fabbed up some traction bars as well

I want to see this in one of your cars by June at the Latest. :finga:

Sure, Nick. Cut me a cheque and I’ll get right on it. :smiley:

Well we need!!!

1 Turbo Spec
1 Super Chagered Spec
1 VQ Spec

I’ll do whichever one you guys don’t do… Deal?

Hey if I didn’t have so much money tied up maybe I would.

Well this IMO is what it should be:
Me Turbo (If I can ever afford FI)
You S/C
Kris VQ

TOO MUCH power. Damn that would be nice to see in the club tho.

I’m gonna RWD and SR my b15. :rolleyes:

Ha ha ha…Nice! :slight_smile:

I would definately volunteer for the VQ swap…I think it’s the one that suits me best. Unfortunately, I don’t have anywhere near enough money to even start it yet.

Well this year you’re going to see a canadian car that covers off two of those in the same SPEC. I’ll give you a hint, he’s not supercharging it.

What a Twin Turbo VQ?

This right here:

Yeah but he’s not an N-E-C-C member. So I will never see it :?

Drive down to Winnepeg for their opening weekend on May Long, As he said he plans to be done by then.

Fine Nick… It’s me and you… Road TRIP>>>>>

hmm… I should be able to do that, but I may have something else going on at the Beginning of May now, but we’ll just have to wait and see.