what is a box elder tree?
them bugs are ANNOYING
tell me about it!
hahahahhaa… Was that directed at my husband?
i guess thats your problem…
got gasoline and a lighter?
pewter, i had them real bad out at my shop. a lil hydrofloric acid sprayed on a bunch of them seemed to take care of it.
seriously, there are sprays made specificly for them. i think you can get them at brilharts in scottdale.
it seems that the love to hide in lite colored siding on houses etc, lighter colored door jams of cars.
thats how i got them at my place, picked a vehicle up at a dealership where they were a problem. before you know it they everywhere at my place.
My guess is that it was directed at tree huggers
i’m a landscaper and vw owner. but not a tree hugger
ohhhhhhhhh… still funny…
thanks man!!!:bigok:
so it burns down my house mr.fire starter?