VW strikes again: Un-Pimp My Ride


Those are pretty awesome…the commercials, that is…

The car seems ok too. Not crazy about the new look, but it’s better than the new Jetta/Passat.

ekekekekekeke “Ahh snap”

another reason why volkswagen is better…if only we could do that to all the ricers…

eh, could’ve been funnier

i thought the commercial was pretty good, obv

Aeyyyy szzzznap. vveeeee dussssbbbhhh inn zee haus!

loved the comercial, that german guy is very funny, “un pimp” your ride, lol :lolsign:
makes me feel like his going to wait for me one of these days and un pimp my accord, then send it to the bottom of the ocean.

if those make it to tv i will be very happy

They are on TV already, i have seen 2 of the 3 of those. My favorite was “feel the lame”

prolly the last thing you would expect me to say but…

thank god they crushed that focus, that was hideous

Haha those are pretty good. I’ve seen the last one on there a few times. Those new GTI’s are hot.

LMAO!! :lol:

i have lol every time one of these has been on tv. i love the “we just dropped it like its hot” hahaha



It is not hot its hawwttt

uhh maze ing :tup:

obv… i really like it lol. im gonna start throwin up the vw gang sign y0!