wanna race

:rofl idiot

seriously if see me on the streets, dont run me off the road, the car has 3 pluged break lines and a big hole in the floor, its a death trap


i burned a pt cruiser and a 4 cylinder ford ranger once

Sleeper in your case refers to the white haired lady behind the wheel of a car like yours. Driving half asleep.

oh yeah sometimes the heater core sprays boilin hot antifreeze on my legs

Why do people like you feel the need to waste peoples time posting stupid shit on our forum? Are you proud of the stupid shit you write? Did your car burn down and your upset noone likes you anymore?:crazy


no wait…no one liked him to begin with! :rofl

dont worry you can win big playing trailer park poker like its your job and come back and tell us how we all suck.

im tryin to start a revolution of people with beat cars showin up at car shows, to show off how beat thier car is

You should try starting a colt…and then having a mass suicide.

i never said you suck

im like a groupie for poeple with nice cars

Ban # 1

the only beaters that are cool are like this:


Anything else and youll look as dumb as the PR’s showing up to the lot in their shitboxes

I just changed my VTEC fluid to high octane, I’ll fuck your shit up

you got a nice car thats cool, i start my car with a pair of pliers cause the steeering collums broke

Ban 2

Ban 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

see what happens when you spend all your money on crack rocks?