Wannabe racers @ Dunville (or.... more BS than your nose can stand)


Someone had said something about working hard and money, read the rest of the thread.

Talk away wonder woman


Check out where you placed in SM, I’m pretty sure thats you; then find where I placed.

You were also sent a PM that repeated what I said in earlier post
“I had 2 drivers, dont assume things before you run your mouth.”
When you showed up, my other driver was trying to have fun since hes never done it before

Also, thanx for the kind gestures guys

Zong you crack me up

Edit: Andrea
Dodge SRT-4



Wow…you found my test run event with a new-to-me-car, running SM when I should have been running GS, well having a fever, and not walking the course…Good Job on your research!!! Do you want a sticker? And I read your whole thread…no one brought up your parents or how much money they made…I believe it said that Joe works hard and has talent…something along those lines…But since you are trying to find “dirt” on me to make yourself look better…you just end up coming out looking like an ass! Atleast you are good at something :lol: