wordski, i beat just about everyone, thats why i am retiring… im quitting while i am ahead! :lol:
It’s easy to beat everyone when you won’t race someone that might have a chance at beating you. :shrug:
I called him out last year, here’s his reply:
Oh you stop it. I demand a run. I’ll accept it as payment for all that sick late night sick street racing video editing I did for you. “Retirement” :hay: lol
foureye will be the street king in 2010
i smell… the start of some needed drama
You called me out at the track with a stalled sprayed heads cam gutted car. Im not fucking stupid, i am not bringing a knife to a gunfight. I have said MANY times my car is not setup for the track, i have no ambition to run good track times, I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE TRACK Stop taking what i say out of context and go back to your circle jerk on nyfbody with studderin. You come out of the woodwork when you think you can make a smart remark. Once again, NO.
My offer for a run on the street is still open, but i am not holding my breath on that one.
My comment was half joking towards my friends on here, and yes i have beaten 90% of the cars i have run against, including the almighty studderin. However, this is a failing hobby of mine, i would much rather cruise and hang out with my friends now then dump my money and time into a car when i have more important priorities.
Im sorry, do i know you?
go jimmm go go, go jimmm go go
he’s talking about the street. he never goes to the track. i also recall him saying he’d race you from a roll and that obviously didn’t turn out to happen now did it. it’s easy to tell one side of the story
btw… i think someone who has been hibernating for a few years here will be coming out to pwn some of the suggested street kings of 2010!!!
You have the gun dumbass. You have the fabled LS1. I’ll even let you spray me at Dunn Tire. How much power do you need to beat an n/a LT1?
I didn’t take anything out of context. It was simply a singular line that you said to me. You even made it into it’s own paragraph.
I’d rather not run on the street. Track=traction and a timeslip. Besides, I am usually in bed at 1am when you guys cruise the thruways for your videos with no traffic.
Yeah, priorties from the guy who just bought a turbo.
Hibernating for like 7 years? Wow, what a secret. Let me guess the car is red too huh?
ummmm, no.
but, he will come out when your buddy hacks his junk together. the person and the car i’m talking about is no secret, he just hasn’t had time to play in a while
And now we have a thread…
yeah the fabled LS1 LOL poor Lt1 guys with their inferiority complex :lol:
My car runs the track times of LZ’s old exhaust/stall at lancaster, Idk how many times i must say it before you get it, its not a track car, it was never meant to be a track car, it never will be a track car, its heavy, its comfy, it has beats, it has a 6sp and no weight reduction.
You obviously wont run me on the street because you know you are going to lose, just as i am pretty sure you are going to beat me at the track, whatever thats cool, its your prerogative.
My priorities are more based on my available time and ambition to undertake the project rather than money, the build will happen when turbols1 and myself have the time to do it. For now, i want to just relax and enjoy the car for once. But that will probably get old after a month :lol:
the almighty studderin?
fun times
edit, no smooches smiley?
JT your staying 6speed right?
Wheels up!
Yep, that’s you.
Side note, why the hell are you rocking a T56 at the track? Don’t you know how shitty they are at the track? They are meant for roll racing dummy.