Wannabe racers @ Dunville (or.... more BS than your nose can stand)


but whatever…i have better things to do with my time than argue about this anymore.



And one more thing…I keep using the :lol: smiley because i’m laughing at this whole thing and obviously not taking it as seriously as you are Jarod!


Yea looks that way:roll2:

I assume you were able to see how everyones driving ability was by watching on the side lines a good… what… 20-30 yards from the straight. I dont know how you can tell driving abililty by observing the straight away from that far in mid day?

I dont take anything seriously, so dont act like you know me.
Ive heard your generally a nice person, and I was asked to stop commenting on your posts. I have no problem doing so, just watch what you say. Nothing was being twisted, its all been quoted. Like Rubicant said, you stuck your nose into something you had no business doing so; so there for I rained on your parade

Edit: its Jarrod btw:wave: