I’m calling :bsflag: on everything you just said
#3 You stared rite at me when you finally got the balls to pass me; that was making a right on red…no one can miss your balding head.
The balls to pass you? Dude seriously, I don’t remember ever driving behind you…again, I really don’t care…
Are you really trying to tell me that I wasn’t driving in 3rd? The majority of the day I was driving at 5/10ths.
Just incase you missed my edit, I’ll repost it here for you:
I’m not sure if you’re aware of this or not, but you rank pretty low on my care scale, other than taking your money b/c you’re much slower than me I honestly couldn’t care less about you.
You had all of friday evening to come say something to me, but you didn’t. I didn’t talk to you b/c quiet frankly I didn’t have my EVO so our bet wasn’t happening and as a result I have no reason to interact with you.
And once again I think it’s pretty fucking hilarious that you’re so bent out of shape b/c of a simple observation of your driving ability.
I’ll make it super easy for you…
Track day #2: 5 laps, lowest overall time wins
I win you give me $100
You win, I’ll give you $300 plus I’ll cover your track day fee
Stipulations: You have to run street tires.
Now this should be the easiest fucking thing in the world for you to do. My car makes less power, and weighs more, and handles worse. There should be no question as to if you can beat me or not.
Break it up.
Cuz the fact of the matter is I believe I had a pass on both of you (but in no-passing allowed zones
You certainly had a pass on me on the big right
Edit: speaking of taking money, didnt you just drop $100 to change my title and your title…actions speak for themself
No, I donated money to prevent you from changing your title back to anything. I’m not the one who started this custom title shit, you did…UNPROVOKED. I just ended it.
I know why I didnt say aything to your face.
And that is because?
Seriously buddy, stop trying to be some tough guy and prove to me and everyone else that you are in fact a capable driver…otherwise your childish games and remarks make you look like a douchebag…
If you can out drive me, that’s fucking wonderful congratulations you’ve done what’s expected of you…if you can’t then admit that you could use some driver improvement. You could have simply said “yes, I didn’t really know how to drive well and that’s why my clutch went at 9,000 miles”…it’s not a difficult thing to say…only TheBlue is so naturally talented that the first time he drove manual no one could believe he was not a professional…but instead you got way over defensive and you’ve since resorted to making threats and wild accusations.