Want to Borrow: Engine Lift

i bought an engine off eric at hybrid and i checked it out and it looked good, so i put in the car (almost bymyself i had a little helpw with the lift and random bits) then i fire it up, sounds good, i go to back down the drive and i notice two trails of oil, so back in the garage, and i pop the hood and jack it up then i notice there is oil dripping down my clutch all in my trans housing and from the front of the case. i have never heard of the main seals going bad on a kseries engine before but thats exactly what happened, they looked fine but they were toast… the motor that i had in there was the same engine i swapped in a k24a4 but my previous engine has a bad valve seal or ring because its smoking, so thats what im swapping back in then im building a k24a2 for boost