want/want2buy Lego brand LEGO's

The kids (3yr. old, and 2yr. old) came across a small bucket of lego’s (maybe 150 pcs) while packing my grams garage for a move.

That was a week ago, and they have played with them every day, personally im tired of picking them up, they kind of hurt when you step on em… but ive never seen these 2 enjoy a toy more. He’ll when I was 12 or so i had about 30lbs of legos, haha i wish i still had those.

So i figured id ask who has a bucket in the closet, garage, or attic that they know they wont use, wont mind giving away, or selling to me.

The ones they have are the smaller LEGO brand and id like to get more of the same. But these hunks of plastic are so frickin expensive at the store!

Let me know what you’ve got.

I do, I’ll bring them down tonite

Doug has a 30 gallon tub of them…
Amagine that. I know he still uses them to build prototypes, but Ill see if he still wants to keep them.

Would you be interested in MEGA blocks? They are just like LEGO’s. no real difference. I’m about 100% sure they fit LEGOs. let me know if you are interested

I have a 3 foot USS Kittyhawk.
Top Fuel drag car (about 2ft long)
and A Blue angels Jet. (also 2)

im not worried about the name brand as much i as i am worried about what i pick up fitting together with what we all ready have.

im down for just loose pieces actually, My sons wont be able to build the theme packages anyways,

btw thanks cheeks!

thanks again cheeks, for the Lego table, its pretty cool, but im still on the look out for Lego pieces, im willing to pay something for them if thats the issue, I KNOW somebody has a Bin just hanging around the house with kids 10 yrs to old to use them any more.

Let me see, I know I had a tub of them somewhere.

If I do, they’re yours, no charge.

Chaz, a buddy of mine is a toy geek. He has lots of those sitting around, some of which are full kits unopened, so I’ll ask him. COme to think of it I bet my mom is still holding onto that stuff from my three siblings. I’ll get back to you.

i have some. will let you know

nice, nice nice! lmk guys and thanks!

I got some from years ago, I’ll dig them out and bring them down. I’ve still gotta introduce myself and check out the new place.

i have about $8000 worth of Lego brand legos.

here’s the majority of it (stuff that isnt put together) most of it in boxes, spares are seperated by colors.


i have, 3 trains, 2 monorails, 2 seaports, 2 airports, a space shuttle site, a bunch of space ships, alot of misc trucks, and tons of spare blocks.

not really looking to dump it all, but i can part with some stuff.

oh, BTW i have original boxes and directions for everything. let me know.

buy them this!

thats amazing…