watch your kids saturday....

Shady, those aren’t cheap. $120.00 or so IIRC.


Well unless waynes will fit my fat ass and hed let me borrow it…

Looks like Ill be buying and wearing that thing a lotttttttt :rofl

dude mine’s a large and JUST fits me.

Must be in JAP sizes :lol

I mean… I will buy one…

But i will end up wearing it a lot… 200 bucks… you bet your ass ill wear that mofo for at least a week straight…

Pedo bear computer repair… :rofl:rofl:rofl

Woot, that will fit me fine then. :slight_smile:

Wayne, we can rock that shit with the top off in the Supra.

hell yea dude i’m down. you think we’d get in trouble cruisin by high schools n shit?

Thats only if you ever take it out of the garage :shifty

waiiitttt so hes a legit child molester?

:rofl Besides the numerous equipment violation tickets I’ll be getting…

OMG. We could go pick up my GF’s sister at shaker high school. :rofl :rofl

You think you’re funny eh…

No… because its true… :lol

Your no paul walker… least that motherfucker drove his shit :rofl

Looking for attention? Drive a Viper, was unreal everytime I drove that MFer.

awesome halloween costume…

Im dressing up as that SNL skit “dick in a box”. And will be filling said box up with candy ahaha…:rofl

same concept as taking a girl out to the movies, cutting a hole in the bottom of the popcorn bag and her finding a treat about halfway through the movie. :lol

THIS could be epic. need to get a plan together for this.

Away for winterz son.

Old gen FTL.

92-95 FTL…

This, FTW

Set it next to your Toyota at a real car show and see what gets more attention:lol

I’m turbo travis and my dick is bigger than EVERYONES.

No, but more curved apparently:number1

Yea, that does look pretty damn badass. View from front sucks though.

Are those 20 inch 505A’s? Jeebus. Too big.