Waterfest 17

Got an extra seatt? I can provide gas $

A little taste what happend last year …
Gets good around 7 mins

laduke lmk how much you want for the room, i’ll give you the money whenever you want… i’m only staying sat night

We got 5 in our room already lmao

haha gonna be a blast. Duke got the hotel so were in bidness.

locked and loaded mafuckahz

I got the acid guys

Good to hear.

will their be water at this festival?

Yeh in our bathtub rich

cant wait to baith with u doods:hug

Me and tdi guy need a place to sleep

We are booked… 6 people thats it . You gotta find somewhere . This room is gonna be packed as it is . We have johnny kramer stallmer pete delucia and me

Why don’t we get two rooms. TALK TO DUKE. Well get another room right next to theirs

If you guys dont care to pay more then … its up to you .

It wouldn’t be that much more. Me dom pete and chris in our room, you johnny kram in urs lol. Book another one

I am going sat morn and staying overnight at friends house. She would have extra room for 1 more person if needed.

She got friends?

yuuuupppppp that she does

Is she just a ‘friend’? Have you beat it up? Do you want to, and just stuck in the friend zone?