As the date of the July 18th approacheth, this noble knight is searching for others to join him and his fair mainden on the annual pilgrimage to the city of Englishtown of New Jersey for ye old Waterfest shennanigans. My raven metal steed will be deparing Albany early morn’ and be on our merry way there. Looking for other Germanic steeds to ride along with for the event.
you know im in dude. just let me know the time and place of departure and ill see you there on the 18th.
im not going…ive been too enough of these.
leaving friday night :tongue
Old should have an “e” at the end, just FYI.
are you flying your broom there this year, wench? :lol
No, I don’t think I’ll be going.
yean you should leave the broom at home and cruise down. the more the merrier.
i say i am gonna go every damn year, but never do. This year i will be in Syracuse that Friday and Saturday for the Syracuse Nationals!
I wanted to go, but then had the event @ Calabogie, then totally forgot it’s my friend’s bachelor party that weekend, so had to cancel the other events. Bros before…Cars.
[SIZE=2]i wanted to see the Porschah there, damn damn damn[/SIZE]
You can see it anywhere… it’s not like he hides it in the garage… lol
Was going to go to this as well with a customers nutty car but, well I’ll be in NC and the car isn’t quite wrapped up yet. Looks like it’s gonna be h2o :number1
Damnit, Adam!
this isnt lookin so good is it?
well, its looking about the same as last year actually. ill check in with the roflwagens and cava ppl and if no, then we can just cruise down together. itll be fine. we can just tape up and head out two cars is better than none.
I’m going down in my friend’s GLI. We’ll be there all weekend.
what day are u driving down?