The point is I can give a fuck less if you care or not. I just wanted to point out that when you cut on shit you have no idea what you are talking about…you are an idiot douchebag that just sees a thread about a car you obviously don’t give two shits about and you chime in with your ignorant comments calling it garbage and making comments about the performance when you have no idea what you are talking about. But hey if that’s what you do to get your vagina all moist then that is all you.
What’s the big deal if I use Nurburgring lap times to get an idea of how a car performs? In your eyes unless you take a car to the track and test it yourself then you have no right talking about the performance…stfu you are an idiot. The only reason why I pointed out the lap times is to make a point that on a race track it is capable of keeping pace with some impressive cars…that is it.
So keep clicking on threads about cars you don’t care about and keep on making lame ignorant comments….I wouldn’t expect anything less from a smug wanna be yuppie douchbag.