Wednesday night meet and cruise

My car club and I are going to be cruising around for awhile wednesday night, anything cool going on anywhere? We are mostly from washington, but probably will cruise most of the way up to pittsburgh if theres anyone out south of the city.

We are meeting at Wal-mart in washington at 8 if anyones interested.

Anyone gonna be out anywhere tonight?

Maybe a run Down JJ’s unless I am getting tuning work done.

Preety sweet site you guys got.


Thanks for checking it out, we have put a lot of work into it.

what? 404?

our domain has been acting up this week, try refreshing. I havent been able to figure it out yet.

works for me.

Can’t, I’m not FI.

wow that dudes GTI is the absolute worst!

you can cruise, you just cant be a member. We certainly dont hate on other types of cars, that would be rediculous.

Hes going to paint it, after he finish’s up somethings, he bought it that color.

buy some diapers and tampons. your lady friends will need it waiting in your cars.

the EVOs are not any better

so wait, you were all the kids that hung out at the WashPa walmart? I used to drive by my SRT alot. Ive since moved out of Washpa. Was in amity.

You guys held a car show down at the ice-o plex a month or 2 back right? I was at that with the few SRT kids that showed up. I have a ton of pics of the cars that were there earlier if thats you guys.