Well its baby time again...

Its safe to say now Mr. Zep is going to be a dad once again heheh…

Baby is 3 months old and should be due in December around the 22nd or so they say… We dont know what it is yet boy or a girl… But i cant wait to find out… I kinda want a boy.

here is the first ultrasound pic… looks like a little alien hehe…


Congrats man! :A


lol I take it your first one was a girl?

Either way congrats. I hope he/she comes out healthy!..and wearing a TNC

shirt… how cool would that be!?:smiley:

gah you just bought a car and you having a kid … you must be balling in the cash , or just stupid and in crazy assass1n like debt // lol jk no ones that dumb

good run buddy!

thank goodness you already know what your in for…eh?!

just had my 1st in november! (girl)

damn, you’re like a rabbit…and not the one up there ^^^

Congrats and hope all goes smoothly

GAAHH!!! what a baby making machine you’re Zep… Good Luck!

congrats once again, hope everything goes well

lol thanx guys… yah the first was a girl… i kinda want a boy but ill be happy with whatever the baby turns out to be… they change ur life for sure… but always in a good way.

and i will be getting a TNC shirt for the little one lol… that be jokes… gotta rep yah know…

Ive been mad busy plus my health aint the best right now so thats one of the reasons i havent been doing much. not cause i dont want to just been crazy… i have a X-ray jun 11th to see if im ok if not then im in big trouble. so let hope for the best … but with the baby commin its keepin my mind off of it. so yay im going to be a dad again… life is good. all i care about.

Take care of yourself man, especially for your little ones. All the best bro.

Although I’ve already said this to you, congrats again. Hope everything works out for you.

congrats rick.

hope your x-ray goes well and your in tip top shape for when the baby arrives