Went out for a bag of kraut...

I love your “fix it” mentality. Good luck & DIY thread it plz.

Did you know your new car was in an accident?

Mal’s gonna be busy huh
looks like a nice project

These things have the wierdest supercharger setup.

I saw this exact model and color today.
If you know anything about Springville you will know how rare that is.
It was parked between an F150 and… an F150.

uh yeah, considering that the blower also acts as the secondary air pump to heat the cats up on a cold start. Almost 1st gen blown MR2-like, with the magnetic clutch setup on the supercharger.

I’ve worked on a few, and would rather not again.

oh yeah…like your car is a dime a dozen there :wink:

Wow, that car is more beat than my evo was :stuck_out_tongue:

heh, thanks guys, looking forward to working on it and trying to understand more crazy german engineering

Can we just have more pics of your M roadster :slight_smile: its pretty

ha, once this one is fixed i’ll get a shoot of the 2 roadsters together :slight_smile:

I like the buy cheap & fix mentality. :tup:

its worked well for 12 years now, and lets me sample all sorts of fun cars :slight_smile:

Hmmm nice pickup, but man, i really think the S4 was a much nicer car, DD and comfortability wise, I like the new SLK’s, theses…not so much, it is cool that you can sample all sorts of car this way though, so T-up to you and GL

holy balls i literally drive by your house on my way to work every day and before i knew you were on here i would always say “jesus christ that dudes got a shit ton of cars!” lol

nice pickup :tup: should be fun!

Nice buy. I love these projects. This does not look all that bad. I like what the previous owner attempted to do in the interior. I would pull all that junk out; strip it, and re-paint it all black again.

As for the cosmetic damage. Let me say again. That just looks like Cosmetic damage, from the pics. If there is any misalignment I would be surprised if it was anything majorly out of whack as you stated. It does not look bad at all. If you can’t paint it yourself it will hurt the wallet. But if you really want an adventure you could straighten that hood yourself. This one is not that bad. Start at the fold on the Passenger side near the hinge and work towards the Drivers side headlight (You should not have to replace those hinges). Then new lights, header panel, front bumper, and fenders (if you can’t save them) would be pretty much it. You got a quick fixer upper.

I was hoping to find a 2nd gen S-10 JUST like this to do a V8/5 spd/Spindle Drop/Roll Pan/98 front end. Alas, nothing.


Where did you pick it up Adesa, IAAI, Dealer Auction, etc?

recirc. ball steering LOLOL.

nope, thats normal. good friend of mine has the same car in black, even manual too (yours is only the second one i have seen with a manual trans)

his interior looks like that too. he has slowly been touching up the tan on the center console and door panels. They are fun to drive, but indeed could use some performance. to swap out the magnetic clutch pulley for a normal pulley on the s/c is like $800 for just a damn pulley. lets not even talk about exhuast. this is why he hasnt modded his in the 2 yrs hes owned it lol

As focus said, the interior flaking is a common problem with these cars.