West Senece West Kids

some 1 look in ur yearbook? duhhhh

she is not in there. we have been down that road

lol he is married and his wife is kinda good looking she is a teacher at depew… he has a house on leacliff in WS

anyone every remember a girl named anita from west?

yeah she graduated a year after me i believe. kinda loud and obnoxious?

she is a slut

yhea kinda huge tits and retarted ass…number?

you went to school with her mike?
shes prolly 21 now…not 40

mhmmmm i tried looking on buff new and goole nothing came up of this…im out of ideas.

lol … last name???

you will not find it … it never went that far … but we all knew it went down … there was pic and such …

thanks mr grisham

Anitad prasad or suffeletto?

Anita Prasad… yes thats her … she lives on slade

what about her jay??

suffeletto…omg i havent seen her in years…pm me facebook or myspace would ya

lol that chick loves the dinky, she would grab my dick in the middle of joey schimes class, and tell me she wanted to fuck after school. While she had a bf and i had a gf. HUge hoeee

why do you think im trying to find her

LOL,you better double bag it if your tickling that bitch wrinkle

i just havnt seen her in like 5 years…we used to be pretty good friends and its been bothering me lately that i cant find her…shes of the fucking grid

dont be a creeper. if you were good enough friends or a halfway decent lay she wouldn’t have lost touch.

Ya she was in Playboy WAAY back in the day, I remember hearing that one year the seniors found her pics from the magazine and posted them in the school. she was def the math nazi

if she graduated in 04 then yes