What are you listening to RIGHT NOW? Pt. NYSpeed

Been on a noise/grind rampage lately.

Veil of Maya just put their entire new album up on youtube.

I’ll report back my thoughts. on song 2 as we speak.


digging this



New Slam!

Well, shit. That was fucking awesome.

I’m currently listening to Rock Hall of Fame Snubs on Slacker. Neat station :tup:


menzingers - on the impossible past

Just plain straight up great metal…love that chugging riff.

Also, saw Rush last night, here’s a video from a fan…had some guest stars lip sync to Roll the Bones.

Also, New Cattle Decapitation…you already know it’s going to be good.


:heart: bubbles

All this talk about Rush made me want to go look for the only album I had left and I can’t fucking find it. Now I’m pissed and on YouTube…

Have these…


Such a good album

Love me some bongripper in the morning.

and now for something completely different


Nice. Im about 1/2 though and its a good listen. :tup:

New Eagles of Death Metal.
